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PROP TECH | Team Recruitment - Multi-state


Campaign Agent



CampaignAgent (CA) were a brand new concept in the market, providing short-term funding to vendors (property sellers) to cover advertising costs, and removing any barriers to get a property listed for sale. The 3rd party funding allows a Real Estate agency to commence marketing without the need for the agency carrying the VPA cost, or requiring the vendor to have immediate liquidity.


Based in Melbourne, CampaignAgent wanted to expand in to other states. The initial recruit that sharonbennie undertook was the first BDM appointment outside of the Founders. We needed someone who could act autonomously and would have immediate cut-though (i.e. well networked within real estate with outstanding BDM skill and an ability to operate autonomously from home.



Successfully placed a candidate within 2 weeks of receiving the brief from our client. Candidate commenced April 2018 | Still employed                                                      


Continuing Success:

Since April 2018, we have remained Campaign Agents exclusive recruiter and have since recruited a further 12 staff for them across 4 states: 5 x Regional Sales Managers (NSW x 2, QLD, VIC & SA), Client On-boarding Managers x 4 (VIC x 2, NSW & QLD), 5 x Customer Support staff.


Benefits to client to using us:

We were able to draw someone from who already had all the contacts and networks and hit the ground running

  • Due to our contacts, reach, and knowledge of the Real Estate market, we were able to recruit suitable candidates interstate, where CampaignAgent didn’t have immediate visibility of talent available 


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